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 Sujet du message: PEL Integrale Help!
MessagePosté: Mer 16 Mar 2011, 12:44 
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Inscription: Mar 15 Fév 2011, 19:54
Messages: 3

Please forgive my post in English, and if I am in fact posting in the wrong forum. I have a pair of PEL Integrale that have had a crossover issue. To keep a long story short the crossovers were rebuilt with all new parts though not correctly. PEL had sent a schematic of the crossover some time ago but it was actually a different crossover hense the confusion. The shop that did the work did not document what cas in the crossover before they took it apart as they thought they had a correct schematic in hand.

If anyone has these speakers, I know they are 8ohm nominal impedance, but if someone can check the DC impedance at the binding posts it would be helpful to me. Currently my DC impedence is 3.9 ohms.

Merci beaucoup from Canada,


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