Bonjour za tous et merci.
Dommage pour le TQWT, cela me plaisait bien comme idée....
Rem : Le Mauhorn est un pavillon arrière. J'avais entendu celles de Y Mahé équipées de PM6 et décidé que c'était ce que je voulais !
La courbe du EX3 est très bizzare. Voilà des extraits du doc évoqué :
" ....It's hard to review a driver displaying the level on linear distortion seen here. We do need a reasonable balanced presentation of basic notes and upper tones in order to evaluate the overall performance of a driver or driver system. Listening some 30-40 deg. off-axis helps a lot, but this is not how most Lowther systems are meant to be. What's even worse is that non-linear distortion appears significant too; view measurements below.
Adding the equalising circuit to some extent got things in place but still the treble is very, very special. The serious problems between 2 and 4 kHz are hard to ignore. It just doesn't sound right. If you want treble from a fullrange driver, try the Supravox 215RTF; much better despite coming from a driver with a large cone diameter with subsequent problems of beaming. At least it's somewhat coherent, which can hardly be said about this driver.
Maybe a mid-horn, lifting the 200-1000 Hz region up some 5-6 dB might be able to somewhat balance the 2 kHz peak. Ad a decent bass horn + corner placement and we may get an overall balanced sound from 50 Hz to the highest treble. I don't know, but how people manage to live with these drivers in simple horns like the one I've used or on open baffles is a mystery to me.
Lowther drivers appear to be slaves of their history. This is what it has always been and this is how it's going to be. Well, a few developments over time in terms of phase plug, etc., but nothing that seriously attacks the inherent problems associated with the cone layout. A curvilinear cone without the whizzer cone might have been an interesting development supplemented by a supertweeter for the fullrange fans who do not allow any crossovers in upper mid and treble regions.
I had plans for much more writing on these Lowthers, but I feel tired already. I would so much like to write something nice about them, but I simply can't.
I just feel sorry for the guy who paid almost 10,000 DKK for the pair. And he had even bought two pairs (!) having made Academy cabs and everything - but simply had to put them aside. His 300B mono blocks deserves much better. "
Extrait d'un article nommé 'Lowther days 2008'.
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et la correction suggérée, pour fonctionnement dans une TQWT
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Donc, le baffle plan me plait bien, malgré sa forme. L'écoute chez Yves m'a aussi surpris !
De plus, il est réputé assez neutre et me permettra quelques mesures.
Quelles sont les règles de calcul (Coupure basse, autres règles ? )
Merci à tous.